Heuristics and Usability Testing of a Project-Based Learning Online Course: A Case Study with Structural Mathematical Concepts


  • Sara Cruz Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave & Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal,
  • José Alberto Lencastre University of Minho, Portugal,
  • Floriano Viseu University of Minho, Portugal,


usability, project-based learning, technology-enhanced learning, math structural concepts, learning, usability, project-based learning, technology-enhanced learning, math structural concepts, learning


Usability refers to the system's functionality by the user, allowing the system to be used with ease of learning, efficiency in carrying out tasks and satisfaction. The article presents the design and development of an online course about structural mathematics concepts with a project-based learning approach. With this study, we intend, through the development of an online course, to explore the contribution of project-based learning to approach mathematical structural concepts. The methodological option was development research, fulfilling the following phases of the protocol: (1) preliminary investigation, (2) theoretical embedding, (3) empirical testing and (4) documentation, analysis and reflection on process and outcomes. We started with an exploratory analysis aimed at identifying a group of teachers' knowledge about structural mathematical concepts and the potential of a project-based learning to support students in apprehending these concepts. Based on the data obtained, the design and development of the online course were carried out. Then, heuristic evaluation tests were conducted with experts and usability tests with the target audience to assess the adoption of the online course. The online course was designed to involve teachers in learning mathematics concepts through a project methodology. In the preliminary investigation, all teachers showed interest in knowing the project learning methodology and identified concepts that, from their practice, are usually difficult for their students. In the heuristic evaluation test with the experts, linguistic, structural and course content corrections were made. The results allow us to say that the online course with the projectbased learning approach responded to the target audience's needs, arousing their interest in using project learning in teaching mathematics structural concepts.




How to Cite

Cruz , S., Lencastre , J. A., & Viseu , F. (2023). Heuristics and Usability Testing of a Project-Based Learning Online Course: A Case Study with Structural Mathematical Concepts. International Journal of Instruction, 16(3), 465–488. Retrieved from https://e-iji.net/ats/index.php/pub/article/view/90


