Parents as Teachers as Students: Managing Multiple Roles During the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Inero Ancho University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines,


covid-19 pandemic, parent-teacher-student multiple roles, management of roles, graduate students, parents


This study focuses on a central question: how do graduate students manage their roles as teachers and parents during the covid-19 pandemic? It specifically gathers the narratives of the seven participants in particular ways they employ to juggle multiple roles. The study utilized a phenomenological design as a qualitative research approach as it captures the shared meanings that the participants (as a parent, teacher, and student) of the study hold about their common lived experiences during the covid-19 pandemic. Findings revealed that participants employed three major strategies in managing multiple roles, which include separating and integrating, time managing, and prioritizing. Managing multiple roles amid a health crisis entails gigantic challenges that need to be urgently addressed. Pressing concerns are inevitably crucial since these multiple roles, especially those of parents and teachers impact the lives of children and students. Juggling numerous roles requires commitment and dedication so one’s self-care and well-being will also be guaranteed and uncompromised. Being a parent, teacher, and student all at the same time is indeed an uphill struggle and the health crisis has made the situation worse. A balancing act is central in these unprecedented times.




How to Cite

Ancho, I. (2023). Parents as Teachers as Students: Managing Multiple Roles During the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Instruction, 16(3), 205–220. Retrieved from


