High School Principals’ Lean Management and Its Relationship with Teachers’ Performance


  • Zohair H. Al-Zoubi Assoc. Prof., Department of Educational foundations and Administration, Faculty of Educational Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan,
  • Sahail M. Asassfeh Prof., Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Educational Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan,
  • Ahmad M. Mahasneh Assoc. Prof., Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan,


lean management, job performance, high schools, teachers’ performance, job


Lean management encourages shard responsibility and shard leadership among leader and the rest of the organization, because it focuses on respecting customers and making continuous improvement in the work environment. This study aimed to identify (a) the level of lean management adoption by public high school principals in the capital city of Jordan, Amman, and (b) lean management relationship with teachers’ job performance. The sample consisted of 342 teachers completed lean management scale and teacher job performance scale. Results showed that the level of lean management was high, and no statistically significant differences in the level of lean management were revealed in association with the classifying variables of gender, year of experience and academic qualification. The results showed the level of teacher job performance was high, and no statistically significant differences in the level of teacher job performance were revealed in association with the classifying variables of gender and academic qualification. However, there were statistically significant differences in the level of teacher job performance associated with year of experience in favor of teachers with more than ten-year experience. Finally, results showed a positive correlation between the degree of lean management and the level of teachers’ job performance. The authors recommend emphasizing the concept of lean management, encouraging its adoption and increasing its practice as this affects the effectiveness of different educational institutions, hence teachers' the job performance.




How to Cite

Al-Zoubi, Z. H., Asassfeh , S. M., & Mahasneh , A. M. (2023). High School Principals’ Lean Management and Its Relationship with Teachers’ Performance. International Journal of Instruction, 16(3), 41–52. Retrieved from https://e-iji.net/ats/index.php/pub/article/view/68


