Construction, evidence of validity and reliability of a Teacher Socioemotional Competencies Scale - ECSED


  • Jesús Hugo Montes de Oca Serpa Dr., Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Peru,
  • Walter Capa-Luque Dr., Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Peru,
  • Sabina Deza-Villanueva Mg., Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón, Peru,
  • Liliana Rodríguez-Saavedra Dr., Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón, Peru,
  • Jhonatan Juan Tirado Malpartida Lic., Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Peru,


social-emotional competencies, university teachers, emotional intelligence, social skills, validity, reliability, bi-factor


Social-emotional competencies are complex actions that include skills, knowledge
and attitudes to maintain effective and satisfactory social interactions. As well as,
managing one's own and other people's emotions in different environments. They
are vital for healthy coexistence in higher education. The purpose of this research
was to establish the evidence of validity and reliability for the scale of
socioemotional competencies of university teachers. Scale constructed under the
pentagonal model approach of Bizquerra and Pérez (2007). The study is cross-
sectional and instrumental. A non-probabilistic convenience sample of 237
teachers from public and private universities in Lima (Peru), from different
professional careers, aged between 24 and 70 years, male and female, was used.
Satisfactory evidence of content-based validity was found for the criteria of clarity,
pertinence, and relevance for each of the items using Aiken's V technique. For
validity based on the internal structure of the construct, a Penta dimensional model
and a bi-factor model were contrasted by confirmatory factor analysis, with better
fit values for the second model (CFI and TLI > 0.95, RMSEA and SRMR < 0.07,
= ω h = 0.90, ECV and PUC > 0.95), and favorable evidence of convergent and
discriminant validity was also found. For both the overall score and the scores for
each factor, there were coefficients denoting high reliability (ordinal α and ω >


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How to Cite

Serpa , J. H. M. de O., Capa-Luque , W., Deza-Villanueva, S., Rodríguez-Saavedra , L., & Malpartida , J. J. T. (2024). Construction, evidence of validity and reliability of a Teacher Socioemotional Competencies Scale - ECSED. International Journal of Instruction, 17(4), 573–594. Retrieved from


