User Engagement with Interactive Educational Videos: Relations with Task Value, Cognitive Load, and Learning Satisfaction


  • Xiao-Feng Kenan Kok
  • Peng Cheng Wang Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore,
  • Karin Avnit Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore,
  • Monika Shukla Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore,


user engagement, interactive educational videos, task value, cognitive load, learning satisfaction


Interactive educational videos have grown in popularity in the higher education
setting over the last two decades. This exploratory study investigates the mediating
and moderating effects of user engagement (UE) on the relationships between the
antecedents of UE (i.e., intrinsic load, extraneous load, germane load, and task
value) and learning satisfaction. A cross-sectional survey study was conducted in
June 2023. We conveniently sampled 49 year-one undergraduate students, who
completed a self-report questionnaire consisting of items pertaining to cognitive
load, task value, user engagement, and learning satisfaction. Data was analysed
using hierarchical linear regression models. Findings revealed that reward fully
mediated the relationship between germane load and learning satisfaction. In
addition, reward was also found to moderate the relation between (a) germane load
and learning satisfaction, and (b) task value and learning satisfaction. These
findings highlight the importance of creating rewarding experiences when
designing interactive educational videos.


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How to Cite

Kok, X.-F. K., Wang , P. C., Avnit , K., & Shukla , M. (2024). User Engagement with Interactive Educational Videos: Relations with Task Value, Cognitive Load, and Learning Satisfaction. International Journal of Instruction, 17(4), 459–482. Retrieved from


