Pre-Service Teachers’ Inclination Towards the Utilization of Cloud-Based Technologies


  • Rajendran Ramya Research Scholar, Alagappa University College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India,
  • Gopalasamy Rajeswari Asst. Prof., Alagappa University College of Education Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India,


cloud-based technology, cloud computing resources, teacher education, preservice teachers, utilization


By harnessing the power of 21st-century, the use of cloud computing resources in
higher education has emerged as a hot area for deploying innovative technologies
in teaching and learning. Accordingly, the core objective of the present study is to
analyze the inclination towards the utilization of cloud-based technologies among
pre-service teachers in the present digital environment. Based on studies reviewed,
a research model was developed with five usability factors - perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, perceived security, frequency of usage, and behavior
intention. Quantitative survey method was used to collect data among 252 preservice teachers in Karaikudi locality. Factor Analysis, Percentage Analysis,
Pearson Correlation Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis were
employed for data analysis Statistical analysis of the data indicates that pre-service
teachers exhibit a favorable inclination towards using cloud-based technologies
with a moderate extent, which is predominantly influenced by perceived ease of
use. It is evident from the present study that pedagogical approaches need to
change for successful integration of technology in future classrooms and for the
development of sustainable educational practices.




How to Cite

Ramya , R., & Rajeswari , G. (2024). Pre-Service Teachers’ Inclination Towards the Utilization of Cloud-Based Technologies. International Journal of Instruction, 17(3), 415–434. Retrieved from


