Physical Education Teacher in Middle Schools: Requirements and Academic Profile


  • Zsolt Németh University of Pécs, Institute of Sport Science and Physical Education, Hungary,
  • Abdumalik Shopulatov Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sports, Uzbekistan,
  • Komiljon Norboyev Urgut branch of Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan,
  • Farruh Ahmedov Dr., Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan,
  • Sabina N. Valente CARE - Research Center on Health and Social Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal,


education, physical education, practices, profile, requirements, teacher


This study aimed to discuss the academic profiles and requirements of physical
education teachers at middle schools. Therefore 102 physical education teachers
(Mage= 44) from Uzbekistan participated in this study. The literature review
method was used to find potential research papers. A special self-report interview
was used to determine the professional needs of physical education teachers
working at middle schools. The results of the interviews were used to determine
the indicators of the professional profiles of the physical education teachers. The
results showed that physical education teachers should meet several professional
requirements. Also, revealed five main requirements, namely, psychological and
pedagogical requirements, personal and professional requirements, teaching (or
methodological) requirements, communicative and organizational requirements,
and scientific-educational requirements. The research results can be applied to the
future training of physical education teachers, the development of teacher
education programs, and the organization of an effective educational process in
schools. Future physical education teachers can use the results of this study to
envision professional requirements, skills, and experiences.




How to Cite

Németh , Z., Shopulatov , A., Norboyev , K., Ahmedov , F., & Valente , S. N. (2024). Physical Education Teacher in Middle Schools: Requirements and Academic Profile. International Journal of Instruction, 17(3), 371–382. Retrieved from




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