With the Professional Baccalaureate, the Ideal Route to University of Applied Sciences in Basel, Switzerland


  • Asım Arı Prof., Editor in Chief, International Journal of Instruction,


professional baccalaureate, vocational education, professional career, Switzerland Basel basic vocational education, university of applied sciences


The Swiss system of vocational education and training is very dynamic. The
advantage of the Swiss system of basic vocational education and training lies in
the close link between professional practice and school teaching. Most young
people in Switzerland start their careers with basic vocational training. Basic
vocational training is favorable, because it is the combination of professional
practice and school lessons. The vocational pathway leads the young people either
directly to vocational practice and vocational school or a full-time school. Basic
vocational training leads to the Federal Vocational Certificate (EBA) in two years
and to the Federal Certificate of Proficiency (EFZ) in three or four years. After the
professional certificate, the certificate of proficiency can be obtained - even
vocational training time is shortened depending on your performance. Highachieving pupils can also obtain the vocational baccalaureate (BM) during or after
their apprenticeship. With this way, they have exam-free access to the universities
of applied sciences. The vocational baccalaureate can be obtained in various
disciplines and in different ways. It is always related to vocational training and can
be obtained during the apprenticeship (BM1), after successful completion of the
apprenticeship (BM2) or within the framework of the business secondary school
(WMS) or the computer science secondary school (IMS). In order to be admitted
to the vocational baccalaureate school, one must meet the admission requirements
or pass an entrance exam. This applies to both BM1 and BM2. The Canton of
Basel-Stadt offers baccalaureate courses for working people and the one-year
passerelle course for adults with a vocational baccalaureate. Both allow students to
study at a university or university of applied sciences with certain restrictions. You
can find detailed information on the web at www.berufsberatung.ch and




How to Cite

Arı , A. (2024). With the Professional Baccalaureate, the Ideal Route to University of Applied Sciences in Basel, Switzerland. International Journal of Instruction, 17(3), i-v. Retrieved from https://e-iji.net/ats/index.php/pub/article/view/586


