Attitude Towards Students With Disabilities And Their Relationship With School Coexistence


  • Betty Miriam Espinoza Euscategui Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón, Peru,
  • Liliana Rodriguez Saavedra Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón, Peru,


attitude, democratic coexistence, disability, inclusive education, school coexistence


This research was carried out in a public educational institution with the purpose
of analysing the association that exists between the attitude towards students with
disabilities and school coexistence of students from second to fifth grade of
primary school. The research is of a fundamental or pure basic type, with a
correlational scope. The sample selected was 215 students. The instruments used
to collect the information were the Inventory of Attitudes towards People with
Disabilities and the evaluation instrument based on indicators of democratic,
inclusive, and peaceful school coexistence. The results obtained confirm that there
is a significant relationship between attitudes towards people with disabilities and
democratic, inclusive, and peaceful school coexistence, demonstrating that
students learn to be critical, reflective, fair, free and responsible in order to live
together democratically and in a culture of peace. It is concluded that inclusive
education starts with a transformation and change of attitude of the educational
community, based on the implementation of an inclusive policy, culture and




How to Cite

Euscategui , B. M. E., & Saavedra, L. R. (2024). Attitude Towards Students With Disabilities And Their Relationship With School Coexistence. International Journal of Instruction, 17(2), 667–684. Retrieved from




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