English Teachers' Competency in Flipped Learning: Question Level and Questioning Strategy in Reading Comprehension



English teacher' competency, question level, questioning strategy, flipped learning, reading


Questioning skills are significant competencies that English teachers must possess in teaching reading narrative texts. These competencies include the ability to create various levels of questions and strategies. This study aimed to investigate the teachers' competence in making question levels, strategies, and teachers' and students' responses during the online flipped classroom learning process. This study used a qualitative approach with a content analysis design. The data analysis used Barrett's taxonomic percentage, Jacobsen's questioning strategy theory, and content analysis through condensation, identification, labeling, grouping, verification, and concluding. This study revealed that the competence of teachers in making question levels and questioning strategies had unique skills. Remarkably, the teachers' training background did not wholly affect their competence. However, language insight, technology mastery, and question habit dominantly influenced their ability to combine the question levels according to the questioning strategy. The responses of students taking part in the learning provided positive feedback for improving reading comprehension skills. The teachers' response stated that this method encourages active student engagement in each online teaching session and eases their reading comprehension skills. We suggested English teachers improve their linguistic understanding, teaching technical skills, and strengthen two-way interaction with students through questionand-answer sessions.


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How to Cite

Reflianto, Setyosari , P., Kuswandi , D., & Widiati, U. (2022). English Teachers’ Competency in Flipped Learning: Question Level and Questioning Strategy in Reading Comprehension. International Journal of Instruction, 15(1), 965–984. Retrieved from https://e-iji.net/ats/index.php/pub/article/view/485


