Effect of Principal’s Technology Leadership on Teacher’s Technology Integration


  • Fadia A’mar Administrative Director of the Directorate of Education/Jericho, Ministry of education, & Arab American University, Palestine,
  • Derar Eleyan Applied Computing Department, Palestine Technical University Kadoorie & Arab American University, Palestine,


principals' technology leadership, professional development, teacher’s technology integration, NETS-A, smart PLS


Technology has changed the way people live .The role of school leadership, teaching approaches, and school innovation have also changed in the industrial era 4.0 due to advanced technology such as Artificial Intelligence and the internet. Moreover, the challenges facing school administrators today different than their predecessors, since many factors influence the integration of technology in schools some of these are lack of ICT training, teachers ’competence in ICT, and access to ICT resources. Considering Leadership is the key agent in the effective implementation of technology in schools. This research aimed to investigate the influence of principals' technology leadership and professional development on teacher’s technology integration with gender and experience as moderation variables. In this cross-sectional survey, random sampling was carried out to select 442 principals and 953 teachers from Palestinian public schools. Two different questionnaires were used the first one was based on National Education Technology Standards –Administrator, NETS-A (2014) and Survey of Technology Experiences for school principals while the second instrument is Learning with ICT: Measuring ICT Use in the Curriculum for the teachers. Numerical data were analyzed quantitatively using two software the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS Version 23.0 and Smart PLS. The finding showed that the levels of Technology Leadership of the five constructs (systemic improvement, visionary leadership, excellence in professional practice, digital age learning culture, and digital citizenship), professional development and teacher’s technology integration were at high levels. Based on the results of the data analyses there is a positive significant relationship between the five constructs of technology leadership and professional development with teacher’s technology integration in the Palestinian public schools in the west bank.




How to Cite

A’mar, F., & Eleyan, D. (2022). Effect of Principal’s Technology Leadership on Teacher’s Technology Integration. International Journal of Instruction, 15(1), 781–798. Retrieved from https://e-iji.net/ats/index.php/pub/article/view/475


