Exploring E-Learning Community of Inquiry Framework for Engineering Education


  • Endina Putri Purwandari Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia,
  • Kasiyah Junus Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia,
  • Harry Budi Santoso Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia,


community of inquiry, e-learning, collaboration, cognitive presence, teaching presence


This study aimed to investigate engineering students' learning experiences in eLearning Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework that integrates social, teaching, and cognitive presence to promote collaboration and critical thinking. Data analyzed quantitatively with descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The research location was at a state university in Bengkulu, Indonesia. Data were collected from 187 students consists of 112 men and 75 women. The questionnaire was derived from three elements of CoI. The results showed that (1) teaching presence has a higher contribution to cognitive presence than social presence for engineering education, (2) students were ready to construct the CoI in e-learning, and (3) students have positive feedback for the CoI evaluation in engineering education. Recommendations for engineering education include lecturers should be equipped with pedagogical competence and facilitate discussions using the CoI framework. Furthermore, students should contribute more actively to the social and cognitive presence.




How to Cite

Purwandari , E. P., Junus , K., & Santoso , H. B. (2022). Exploring E-Learning Community of Inquiry Framework for Engineering Education. International Journal of Instruction, 15(1), 619–632. Retrieved from https://e-iji.net/ats/index.php/pub/article/view/465


