Socio-cultural Implications of Self-Determination and Achievement Goal Theory Constructs of Motivation among Fijians athletes with Disabilities


  • Afrada Shah Lecturer, School of Arts & Humanities, Fiji National University, Fiji,
  • Victor Alasa Asst. Prof., corresponding author, School of Education, Fiji National University, Fiji,


self-determination, sports motivation, disability-inclusive sports, achievement goal orientations, socio-cultural implications


Fijian athletes with disabilities have been given scant attention in terms of empirical research. This study used the theoretical underpinnings of the selfdetermination and achievement goal constructs of motivation to examine motivation and goal structures among Fijian athletes with disabilities with the overarching aim being to develop motivation profiles of these athletes. This study attained this by using two self-report measures (SMS-28 and TEOSQ) which are validated measures in the field of sports psychology. Purposive sampling was used, as participants had to meet the inclusion criteria and Fijian athletes with disabilities (N= 101, mean age =26, SD= 11) completed the self-report questionnaires. Cluster analyses revealed three meaningful clusters and as expected majority of Fijian athletes were grouped into the most self-determined category indicating positive athlete behavioral characteristics. Repeated measures ANOVA and cluster analyses were used. Findings indicated that the current sample were more task than ego goal oriented. Further, it was established that majority participants exhibited qualities aligned with the most self-determined cluster profile. These findings have significant implications for sports educators, coaches, leaders in disabilityinclusive sports to use sports as a positive tool to promote inclusive sports education and empower Fijian athletes with disabilities.




How to Cite

Shah , A., & Alasa , V. (2023). Socio-cultural Implications of Self-Determination and Achievement Goal Theory Constructs of Motivation among Fijians athletes with Disabilities . International Journal of Instruction, 16(4), 787–804. Retrieved from


