Using Simulation on Project Based Learning in Minangkabau Culture Subject


  • Zulfa Education Program, Padang State of University, Indonesia,
  • Ahmad Nusi M.Pd., State Polytechnic of Ambon, Indonesia,
  • Azwar Ananda Prof., Padang State of University, Indonesia,
  • Agusti Efi Prof., Padang State of University, Indonesia,
  • Piki Setri Pernantah University of Riau, Indonesia,


simulation problem-based learning (PBPS), minangkabau culture, research, development, learning


This study aims to find a simulation project-based learning model for the Minangkabau Natural Culture subject in higher education. This research method uses the resarch and development (R and D) development procedure using the Plomp development design that goes through 3 steps, namely: Preliminary Research, Prototyping Phase, and Assessment Phase. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique. The research data were obtained using questionnaires, interview guides, tests, observation guides and validation sheets for each set of models developed. The research instrument was validated by an expert or expert. The data collected was processed and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The PBPS model effectiveness test used parametric statistical analysis with the two-way ANOVA test. The results of this study indicate that the PBPS learning model in Minangkabau Natural Culture learning is valid based on the characteristics of the content, graphics and language in the PBPS learning model support system. The practicality test results on the one-to-one evaluation and the small group evaluation of the PBPS learning model tools meet practical criteria. The practicality of the PBPS model was felt by students, especially in several ways, including; (1) the stages of the learning process are easy to understand, (2) student books are very helpful for studying and understanding the Minangkabau Natural Culture material, and (3) the PBPS model tools are interesting to read and study.




How to Cite

Zulfa, Nusi , A., Ananda , A., Efi , A., & Pernantah , P. S. (2022). Using Simulation on Project Based Learning in Minangkabau Culture Subject. International Journal of Instruction, 15(1), 311–326. Retrieved from


