The Influence of Wayang Beber (The Legend of Wasis Joyokusumo) as a Character-based Learning Media on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability


  • Luthfa Nugraheni Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia,
  • Suyitno Prof., Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia,
  • Herman J. Waluyo Prof., Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia,
  • Nugraheni Eko Wardani Dr., Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia,


learning media, wayang beber, the legend of wasis joykusuma, character, critical thinking ability


Critical thinking ability and character education seem to be interesting educational topics that are being discussed in the digital era of 21st century. It is necessary to optimize the character education in the learning process earlier using various learning media. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence learning process of legend story the theme of “obligation and right me” using the a character-based media of wayang beber (the legend of Wasis Joyokusumo) on the students’ critical thinking ability. This study is quasi experimental research using post-test only non-equivalent. The samples or participants are two classes in Pati city, namely SD Ngepungrejo 01 Pati as the control class with 36 students and SD Payang 2 Pati as the experimental class with 38 students. Cluster sampling is a technique used to determine the research subject. The data then collected using several techniques, namely observations, interviews, tests, and document analysis. In analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential statistical analysis methods are implemented. In this case, the content validity and construct validity are utilized to test the internal validity. The external validity is tested using try out test of instruments on the sample of study. The validity and reliability tests are implemented. After that, the questions are eligible to be used to obtain the data. The conclusion of study is that the implementation of wayang beber as a characterbased learning media influences the students’ critical thinking ability because the significance value is less than 0,01.




How to Cite

Nugraheni , L., Suyitno, Waluyo, H. J., & Wardani , N. E. (2022). The Influence of Wayang Beber (The Legend of Wasis Joyokusumo) as a Character-based Learning Media on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability. International Journal of Instruction, 15(3), 267–290. Retrieved from


