Using Scaffolding Set to Help Student Addressing Socio-Scientific Issues in Biochemistry Classes


  • Erman Erman Prof., Dr., Corresponding author, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,
  • Brijesh Pare Prof., Dr., Vikram University, India,
  • Enny Susiyawati Dr., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,
  • Martini Martini Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,
  • Hasan Subekti Dr., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,


biochemistry ideas, college student, prior knowledge, scaffolding set, socioscientific issues, societal concerns


Most students have difficulty explaining socio-scientific issues (SSI) scientifically due to lack of relevant prior knowledge, difficulty connecting with science ideas, and societal concerns of SSI. Unfortunately, scaffolding sets that can be used to help students explain SSI have not available yet. This study aimed to develop a scaffolding set to help students have sufficient prior knowledge of biochemistry relevant to SSI, connect with biochemistry ideas and societal concerns of SSI. A scaffolding set model was developed using instructional design model. Validity and practicality of the scaffolding set data were analyzed descriptively, while effectiveness of scaffolding set was analyzed descriptively and using dependent ttest and N-gain. Data analysis results showed that the scaffolding set was valid, easy to implement, and effective aiding 88 students (21 excellent and 67 nonexcellent students) explain SSI scientifically. More than 95% of excellent and 80% of non-excellent students were in high (some medium) connection with biochemistry ideas and societal concerns. The scaffolding set helped students explain biochemistry aspects and context of SSI. The finding implies that students need scaffolding, while teachers need scaffolding set to aid their students in SSIbased science teaching and learning to scientifically explain SSI.




How to Cite

Erman , E., Pare , B., Susiyawati , E., Martini , M., & Subekti , H. (2022). Using Scaffolding Set to Help Student Addressing Socio-Scientific Issues in Biochemistry Classes. International Journal of Instruction, 15(4), 871–888. Retrieved from


