Short Story Writing Learning Based on Local Wisdom with Digital Book Media for University Students


  • Sri Hastuti Corresponding author, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,
  • Slamet Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,
  • Sumarwati Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,
  • Ani Rakhmawati Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,


short story, digital books, local wisdom, story writing, learning


Short story writing is one of the skills that must be mastered by students of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program. One of the determining success factors is the presence of a comprehensive reference source. This research aimed to facilitate the short story writing learning, lecturer, and students by using the digital book as a reference. This study discussed the improvement of short story writing skills using a digital book based on local wisdom for the Indonesian Language Education Study Program students. With the help of digital book media, various types of local wisdom could be incorporated into the short story writing. A quantitative method was employed to describe the findings regarding the use of digital books in short story writing. The technique used in the effectiveness test was the paired samples t-test. The findings focused on the effectiveness of short story writing learning using a digital book compared to a printed book in terms of increasing student creativity. Both significance test results obtained values below 0.05, indicating a significant difference between the results of short story writing in the pre-test (control group) and post-test (experimental group) data.




How to Cite

Hastuti , S., Slamet, Sumarwati, & Rakhmawati , A. (2023). Short Story Writing Learning Based on Local Wisdom with Digital Book Media for University Students. International Journal of Instruction, 16(1), 821–832. Retrieved from


