Designing Online Learning: Comparative Study between Indonesian Open University and Korea National Open University


  • Benny Agus Pribadi Faculty of Education, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
  • Kwan Sik Chung Korean National Open University, South Korea,


best practice, instructional design model, online learning, open and distant learning


Many people especially educators are developing instructional materials for online learning during the pandemic era referring to the guiding principles of online instructional units or course materials in order to produce instruction for online learning. In fact, it is difficult for educators to start designing the appropriate instructional by the context of online learning for considerations used as guidelines of larger instructional system. The aim of this study is to analyse the best practice of implementing the instructional system design models to create effective and efficient online learning programs. Instructional system design models consist of systematic steps that are commonly used in designing and developing high-quality learning materials. This study used the descriptive qualitative research approach that consists of detailed analysis of one or more cases or phenomena. The use of the instructional system design model and procedures both in UT and KNOU were explored to find a comprehensive insight that can be applied in designing and developing the optimum quality of the online learning program. The implementation of the instructional system design model provides common important components that can be shared to create a high quality of online learning programs by involving several common components namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment as the generic components of instructional system design. The instructional system design models' methodical and holistic phases aid instructional designers in designing and developing successful and efficient online learning programs.




How to Cite

Pribadi, B. A., & Chung, K. S. (2023). Designing Online Learning: Comparative Study between Indonesian Open University and Korea National Open University. International Journal of Instruction, 16(2), 643–660. Retrieved from


