The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model with Think Pair Share Type on Speaking Skill


  • Nur Alfin Hidayati Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia,
  • Try Hariadi IKIP PGRI Pontianak,
  • Biya Ebi Praheto Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
  • Sri Kusnita IKIP PGRI Pontianak, Indonesia,
  • Agus Darmuki Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia,


cooperative learning model, think pair share, speaking skill, language learning, speaking, learning


This research aimed at find out if there is a positive effect on the use of the Cooperative Learning model with Think Pair Share (TPS) type in the speaking skills at the study program of Indonesian Language and Arts in Institute of Teacher Training and Education “PGRI” Bojonegoro. It is a quasi-experimental research type. The populations were 172 first year students, the samples were 24 students in Class 1A serving as the control group and 29 students in Class 1B as the experimental group. The data on the speaking skill were collected using an evaluation rubric on speaking based on the students’ performance. The data were then tested using the variance-polled t-test. The results showed that there was a significant difference in speaking skill between the students taught using the Cooperative Learning model with Think Pair Share type and those taught using the Conventional Learning model. The average comparisons in the speaking skill between the experimental and the control groups were 15.12 and 9.67. The significant difference showed that the application of the Cooperative Learning Model with the Think Pair Share type positively gave effects on the students’ speaking skill.




How to Cite

Hidayati , N. A., Hariadi , T., Praheto , B. E., Kusnita , S., & Darmuki , A. (2023). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model with Think Pair Share Type on Speaking Skill . International Journal of Instruction, 16(3), 935–950. Retrieved from


