Development of Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Instruments Based on Environmental Socio-Scientific Issues


  • Yatin Mulyono Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,
  • Suranto Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,
  • Sri Yamtinah Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,
  • Sarwanto Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,


critical thinking, creative thinking, environmental socio-scientific issue, instrument model, thinking skills


This study aims to produce an instrument model for critical and creative thinking skills based on environmental socio-scientific issues and test the validity and reliability. First, field studies and needs analysis use a design and development approach. Namely: (1) problems, (2) goal setting, (3) model design and development, (4) model testing, (5) evaluation of the test results model, and (6) application model. Then, the planning and development stages are carried out using a literature study to obtain a formulation of indicators which are then developed into a grid and a prototype instrument. The trial sample describes 277 science teacher candidates from 3 universities in Indonesia. Proof of content validity using the Aiken formula by seven experts and getting a score of 0.84 in the excellent category. The measurement model reliability assessment includes Composite Reliability with a value of 0.89 in the reliable category. Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the instrument model is fit or the stated model is by the data obtained in the field and can be used in a wide range of measurements




How to Cite

Mulyono , Y., Suranto, Yamtinah , S., & Sarwanto. (2023). Development of Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Instruments Based on Environmental Socio-Scientific Issues. International Journal of Instruction, 16(3), 691–710. Retrieved from


