Benthik Android Physics Comic Effectiveness for Vector Representation and Crtitical Thinking Students’ Improvement


  • Anissa Maghfiroh Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia,
  • Heru Kuswanto Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia,


android, Benthik, critical thinking, Kofie GeBoL, physics comic, vector representation


This research aims to reveal the effectiveness of the use of Kofie GeBoL media in improving (1) vector representation ability and (2) critical thinking ability in physics instruction. It is a descriptive quantitative study with the quasi-experiment design. It was conducted in two stages: empirical try out and implementation of Kofie GeboL to see the media effectiveness. It was conducted in four high schools in Sleman Regency, including State Senior High School (SSHS) 1 Mlati with 64 students, SSHS 1 Ngaglik with 96 students, SSHS 1 Ngemplak with 56 students, and SHS Bina Umat with 46 students on the learning materials of Parabolic Movement in October, Semester 1 of the academic year 2019/2020. The research instrument is a vector representation and critical thinking ability test which is valid and dan reliable according to the empirical test. The data analysis used the QUEST application to see the validity and reliability of the test items and the MANOVA test to see the media effectiveness. The research finding shows that the Kofie GeBoL is effective in improving students’ vector representation and critical thinking abilities with the Cohen’s value in each variable being 0.46 and 0.57 interpreted as Large Effect Size. This can also be seen in the N-gain scores of vector representation and critical thinking abilities of 0.7 and 0.8 respectively, which are in a high category. So similar research can be done for other physics theory to improve students’ scientific abilities.




How to Cite

Maghfiroh, A., & Kuswanto , H. (2022). Benthik Android Physics Comic Effectiveness for Vector Representation and Crtitical Thinking Students’ Improvement. International Journal of Instruction, 15(2), 623–640. Retrieved from


