Predictive Validity Study of Sustainable Leadership for Learning Questionnaire


  • Marni Ishak Corresponding author, School of Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia,
  • Fauzi Hussin Assoc. Prof. School of Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia,


sustainable leadership for learning questionnaire (SLLQ), teachers’ satisfaction, towards teaching, primary schools, leadership


The ultimate goal of this study is to test the validity of the newly developed Sustainable Leadership for Learning Questionnaire (SLLQ) in terms of predictive validity on teacher satisfaction towards teaching. Apart from that this study also to test the convergent and discriminant validity of SLLQ. To achieve the objective of the study, a cross-sectional survey design was utilized. A total of 190 teachers from national primary schools in Kedah, Malaysia was randomly selected to participate in this study. The Teaching Satisfaction Scale (TSS) were used to measure teachers’ satisfaction as criterion variable. Using PLS-SEM analysis, this study found that the Sustainable Leadership for Learning Questionnaire (SLLQ) is a valid questionnaire to predict teachers’ satisfaction towards teaching. This study has contributed to the establishment of newly constructed questionnaire namely SLLQ and also to the development of leadership literature in the context of primary school in Malaysia.




How to Cite

Ishak, M., & Hussin , F. (2022). Predictive Validity Study of Sustainable Leadership for Learning Questionnaire. International Journal of Instruction, 15(2), 601–622. Retrieved from




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