The Challenges of Remote Area Elementary Schools in Thematic Curriculum Implementation


  • Novtryananda M.S Ghunu Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Japan,


remote area, elementary school, thematic curriculum, teachers’ learning environment, parental involvement


The thematic curriculum is defined as a learning method that integrates attitudes, skills, knowledge, learning value, and creative thinking using themes in the learning process. By implementing this curriculum, it is expected that it would bridge the school and daily-life learning experiences. The present study investigated some challenges in thematic curriculum implementation at five elementary schools in a remote area. This qualitative research utilized semistructured interviews and classroom observation involving 20 teachers. A thematic analysis approach was used for this study. The study found that the teachers' lack of understanding of thematic curriculum and the lack of parental involvement are the main challenge of this curriculum implementation. This study suggests that providing teachers' learning environment and creating PTA meetings might maximize the potential of thematic curriculum implementation in elementary schools in remote areas.




How to Cite

Ghunu , N. M. (2022). The Challenges of Remote Area Elementary Schools in Thematic Curriculum Implementation. International Journal of Instruction, 15(2), 19–36. Retrieved from


