April 2025, Volume 18, Number 2

Contents .pdf
Never Stop Learning: Invest in Your Future and Open New Doors to Life with Switzerland Basel Continuing Education
 Asım Arı
Digital Tools and Mathematics Learning Difficulties: A Bibliometric analysis (1988-2024)
 Karmen Drljić, Daniel Doz
Implementation of The Spectrum of Teaching Styles in Physical Education According to the Characteristics of the School
 María Espada, José Carlos Calero, José Antonio Navia
Teachers' Behavioral Intention to Use E-books to Promote Reading Skills in Preschoolers: Adoption of the UTAUT2 Model
 Afaf Mamdouh Mohamed Barakat, Randa Mohamed Mabrouk Elmaghraby
Exploring Digital Literacy of University Students and Variables Affecting Digital Literacy Levels
 Le Thi Tuyet Hanh, Phan Khanh Huyen, Hoang Khanh Linh
Factors Influencing Deep Learning in Tourism Consumer Behavior Courses: A Study Based on Constructivism and Reciprocal Determinism
 Zheng Yating, Nurfaradilla Mohamad Nasri, Khairul Azhar Jamaludin
Maker-Centered Learning in STEM: A Case Study of a Chemistry Teacher's Lived Experience
 Michael Schad, Moe Greene, Monty Jones
EFL Learners' and Teachers' Perceptions of AI-Powered Language Learning Technologies: Benefits and Challenges
 Klaudia Benek
Investigating the Effectiveness of Ongoing Professional Development Programs for EFL Teachers in Saudi Arabia
 Bashair Hamad Alrumaih
Transformational Leadership and Technological Competence in Non-formal Education: Implications for Equitable Access and Digital Inclusion
 Asmahan Masry-Herzallah, Hanan Sarhan, Zehavit Gross
Exploring the Impact of Using - ChatGPT in Light of Goal Orientations and Academic Self-Efficacy
 Eman Salah Daha, Aml Altelwany Altelwany 
A Case of Micro-Teaching within the Tertiary Training of Ontario Teachers
 Thomas G. Ryan, Daniel T. Ryan
Investigating Factors Impacting Timely Feedback Provision in Postgraduate Thesis Supervision: An Exploration of Supervisory Practices
 Atef Odeh AbuSa’aleek, Abeer Shujaa Alharbi
Examining the Impact of Multiple Intelligences Based Supplementary Materials on the Learners’ Language Achievement
 Mohammad Hassan Alishahi, Hossein Khodabakhshzadeh, Hamid Ashraf
Assessing Instructors’ Perceptions of Critical Skills in Computational Thinking and Block-Based Programming: A Needs Assessment Approach
 Arhit Aroonsiwagool, Somkiat Tuntiwongwanich, Paitoon Pimdee, Chontawat Meedee, Sangutai Moto
Informal Learning of English or English Learning Beyond the Classroom? A Systematic and Bibliometric Review (1998-2024)
 Liu Aiju, Amelia Abdullah, Wang Yufeng
Systematic Literature Review of Fourth Industrial Revolution on Higher Education: Implications for Higher Education Sustainability
 Yousef Mubrik N Almutairi, Atheer Farouk Al-Saad, Reda Ibrahim Elmelegy, Amany Abdel Hahez Bakr, Magdi Abd Elrahman Abdallah, Khaled Mubark N Almotairi
Positive Effect of Physical Exercise on University Students’ Creative Thinking
 Salakhutdinova Musharraf, Farkhod Murodov, Musinova Rukhshona, James Trevor Beale, Komil Norboyev, Abdimannon Ashurov, Farruh Ahmedov
Impact of ChatGPT on English Academic Writing Ability and Engagement of Chinese EFL Undergraduates
 Hao Hongxia, Abu Bakar Razali
The Need for Meta-Skills Development Among Secondary Education Personnel
 Suphaporn Prarasri, Ampapan Tuntinakorngul, Pariyaporn Tungkunanan
Key Factors Among Preschool Teachers in Promoting Sustainable Development in Early Childhood Education
 Aleksandra Šindić, Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec
Performance of the Teacher Education Graduates in A State University
 Merfe C. Hucalinas
Manifestations, Dynamics and Influencing Factors of EFL Learners’ Engagement in the Blended Learning Context
 Li Jianjuan, Zuhana Mohamed Zin
Expectations and Outcomes of First-year University Students in English Language Learning
 Anežka Lengálová, Jana Semotamová
Modelling the Impacts of Teachers’ Access, Motivation, Attitude, and Self-efficacy on Mathematics Teachers' Effective ICT Utilization in Classrooms
 Sunday Ogbu
Metacognition’s Mediating Effect on Undergraduate Achievement Goals and Mathematical Modelling Competency
 Shu Xian Zheng, Kwan Eu Leong
Information and Communication Technologies Serving Educational Transformation: Emotions, Benefits and Efficacy of ICT
 María Mairal-Llebot, Cecilia Latorre-Cosculluela, Marta Liesa-Orús
The Mediating Role of Creative and Language Awareness Input in Enhancing Syntactical Elements Comprehension
 Marzena Okoń
Improving EFL Non-English Majors’ Pronunciation via a Flipped Classroom: A Modular Approach
 Xin Zhang, Asmaa AlSaqqaf
Development of RBL-STEM Learning Materials to Improve Students' Computational Thinking Skills
 Wahyu Lestari, Dafik, Susanto, Dian Kurniati 
English Grammatical Morphemes Acquisition by Young EFL Learners
 Ebtehal M. Alsuhayl, Abeer S. Alharbi
Empowering Mandarin Speaking Skills: High School Students’ Journey with Mobile-Flipped Learning
 Yang Yang, Thirayu Inplaeng, Yu Liu, Paneeya Kradumporn, Qian Li, Petpirun Dokkulap
Unlocking Spatial Wisdom: A Polya-Inspired Approach to Strengthening Year 5 Students' Higher-Order Thinking Skills
 Dantong Li, Sharifah Osman, Najua Syuhada Ahmad Alhassora
Effects of Teacher Response on Learners’ Writing Development, Ideal L2 Writing Self, and Writing Engagement
 Hamed Mohammad Hosseini, Ali Derakhshesh, Sepideh Mehraein
Enhancing Physics Education Through Comic Strips: A Development Research Study
 Jovie Mariel L. Degorio, Marie Khul C. Langub
Preschool Children's Language as a Mediator in the Relationship between Their Executive Function and Emotional Competence
 Afaf Mamdouh Mohamed Barakat, Rasmeya Mohamed Farghali Metwalli, Islah Hassan Elawad, Ahlam A. Gabr
Handwriting Legibility among Elementary Students using Zaner-Bloser and Handwriting Without Tears Methods
 Sonam Lhamo, Karma Sonam Rigdel
Influences of Test Anxiety on Freshman Students’ Academic Achievement at Universities
 Chala Balcha Dida, Gemechu Abera Gobena
Knowledge, Self-efficacy and Effectiveness in Leveraging Blended Delivery System: A Study of Higher Education Teachers
 Arlene D. Talosa, Rolly A. Acidera, Mark John M. Tamanu, Jasmin Joy M. Sumer
Developing Language Learning Strategies in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment at Tertiary Level
 Larysa Kupchyk, Alona Litvinchuk
Analysis of Problem-Solving Scenes in Mongolian Primary School Science Videos: Using ‘Multiple Comparison Analysis’
 Naoko Hikami