January 2025, Volume 18, Number 1

IJI ranks 6th in the world education category
Contents .pdf
Training Teachers Who Shape the Future: Teacher Education in Switzerland
 Asım Arı
Inquiry-Based Learning in Phonetics and Phonology: Promotion of Critical Thinking Skills in an EFL Higher Education Context
 Juan Manuel Castro Carracedo
Experiences of Learners with Visual Impairment in the Mainstream Secondary School Classrooms in Malawi: A Case Study of Mzimba District
 Enelesi Kapala Banda, Grames Wellington Chirwa, Precious Nyoni, Doreen N. Myrie
High School Student Creativity, Innovation, and Teamwork Skills from Teacher’s Perspective: A Second-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis
 Phanphim Siriphatcharachot, Aukkapong Sukkamart, Akkarin Thongkaw, Paitoon Pimdee, Sangutai Moto
The Effects of Emergency Remote Teaching on Language Teachers' Digital Tool Integration in Traditional Classrooms
 Gizella Baloghné Nagy, Bernadett Svraka
Validation of a Scale to Measure Digital Competence in the Elderly Population
 Joana Calero-Plaza, Rómulo J. González-García, Rocío Fernández-Piqueras
Teacher Satisfaction And Grade 4 Reading Literacy Achievement: An Austrian Perspective Using International Large-Scale Assessment Data
 Ann-Kathrin Dittrich, Surette Van Staden
Exploring Trainee Science Teachers’ Assessment as Learning (AaL) and Assessment for Learning (AfL) Practices in a Teacher Training Program
 Adewale Magaji
Innovative Approach to Business Education in SMEs in the Knowledge Economy of the 21st Century
 Miroslava Kubičková, Mária Vrábliková, Iveta Ubrežiová
ChatGPT-Based Simulation Helps to Develop the Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Critical Thinking
 Marina Drushlyak, Tetiana Lukashova, Volodymyr Shamonia, Olena Semenikhina
Engagement and Self-Regulation Scale for Higher Education Students (ES-R): Development and Psychometric Properties
 Iliana María Ramírez-Velásquez, Juan Carlos Molina-García, Adriana Carmen Guerrero-Peña
Exploring the Interconnectedness between English-Medium Instruction and Intercultural Competence: A Systematic Literature Review
 Marcelo Kremer, Susana Pinto
Literacy for Specific Purposes (LSP): A Literacy Curriculum Framework for Learners in Vocational Education
 Diola Bijlhout, Gordon Ade-Ojo
Exploring Factors Affecting High-School Student Entrepreneurship Competency
 Nirinpat Angmani, Aukkapong Sukkamart, Paitoon Pimdee, Akan Narabin, Akkarin Thongkaw
Relationship of Preschool Teachers' Food Skills addressing Food Neophobia and Training Moderation: Structural Equation Model
 Nurul Ain Saipudin, Nornazira Suhairom
Psychological Barriers Contributing to Students’ Poor English Language Speaking Skills
 Gemechu Abera Gobena
Teachers' Attitudes toward the National Assessment of Knowledge in Third-Grade Mathematics in Slovenia
 Sanela Hudovernik, Marina Volk
Effectiveness of Role-play Method: A Meta-analysis
 Xinjian Fu, Qinbing Li
Examining Procedural Proficiency in Fraction Addition: Comparative Insights from England and Taiwan
 Hui-Chuan Li
Multilingual Education in Ethiopia: Use of the Mother Tongue and Lingua Franca
 Yoshiko Tonegawa
Integrating Unplugged Computational Thinking Across Curricula: A Qualitative Study of Students' and Teachers' Perspectives
 Enrique Vazquez-Uscanga, Miguel Nussbaum, Isidora Naranjo
Relationship among EFL Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Use, Speaking Anxiety and Speaking Strategy Use
 Mohammad Alvandi, Laleh Fakhraee Faruji, Masoomeh Salehi
Constructivist Feedback Practices: A Comparative Study of Chemistry Teaching in Cambodian General Public and New Generation Schools
 Sreypouv Ouch, Kinya Shimizu
Direct and Indirect Acts of Labeling Gifted Pupils in the Pro-labeling Pedagogical Situations
 Eva Klimecká
Factors Influencing Tandem Learning in Mathematics
 Bor Bregant, Daniel Doz, Sanela Hudovernik
Biology Teaching Strategies for Greek Primary School Students with Learning Disabilities
 Sofia Poulopoulou
Preservice Teachers' Intentions to Use Social Network Sites: Adoption of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model II
 Afaf Mamdouh Mohamed Barakat, Basant Abdelmonem Alham Mahmoud, Shouk Abada Ahmed Elneklawi
The Impact of M-learning and Problem-Based Learning Teaching Method on Students Motivation and Academic Performance
 Mohamad Ikram Zakaria, Abdul Halim Abdullah, Najua Syuhada Ahmad Alhassora, Sharifah Osman, Norulhuda Ismail
Predicting Resilience in Nursing Auxiliary Care Technicians Students: The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Self Compassion
 Margarita Gutierrez Moret, Teresa Mayordomo Rodriguez, Maria Catret Mascarell
Effect of PBL Supported by QR Code on Developing Intellectual over Excitability, and Creative Thinking
 Eman Salah Daha
Enhancing Emotional and Social Engagement of Women with Disabilities in the Labor Market through Collaborative Learning in MOOCs
 Aljawharah M. Aldosari, Refah Mobarak Ali Alshahrani, Hala F. Eid
 Diego Calderón-Garrido, Pablo Rivera-Vargas, Judith Jacovkis, Lluís Parcerisa
 Rosalie W. Agbayani-Pineda
 Ahmed Ragab Elsayed, Abdullah Muzil Alharbi, Fatemah Abdullah Almulhem
 Mª del Carmen Pegalajar Palomino, Diana Amber Montes, Estefanía Martínez Valdivia
 Suphen Trivaudom, Ampapan Tuntinakorngul, Pariyaporn Tungkunanan
 Miranella D. Tiangco
 Rastislav Metruk, Paula Kováčová
 Mohadeseh Arzhangi, Afsaneh Ghanizadeh
 Andy Lim Teik Hong, Mahani Stapa, Kiang Xin Tian
 Magda Mahmoud Saleh, Hayat Abdulrasoul Almejadi