October 2024, Volume 17, Number 4

IJI ranks 6th in the world education category
Contents .pdf
Democracy Education in Schools: Theory, Framework and Classroom Activities
 Asım Arı
The Upside of Teachers’ Technostress: Adaptation and Validation of a Techno-eustress Scale
 Lígia Nascimento, Manuela Faia Correia, Geraldine O’Sullivan
College Women’s Establishing of Peer Social-relationships and Communicating about Pandemic-related Political Identities and Topics
 Tara Hembrough, Lindsey Mixon
Sensitive Program to Develop Self‑Regulation for Kindergarten
 Magda Mahmoud Saleh, Hayat Abdulrasoul Almejadi
Exploring the Primary School Teachers’ Reasoning and Individuals with Limited Education When Solving False Proportionality Problems
 Eduardo Cruz-Márquez, Irving Aarón Díaz-Espinoza, José Antonio Juárez-López
Exploring the Effects of Online Learning Complications on Mathematics Achievement
 Dirgha Raj Joshi, Jiban Khadka, Krishna Prasad Adhikari, Bishnu Khanal, Shashidhar Belbase
Exploring the Relationships among Perceived Teacher’s Autonomy Support, Motivational Regulations, and Social-Emotional Outcomes
 Betsy Ng, Hong Liu Wu
The Analysis of PLOICE Model Application to Develop Science Process Skills: On the Coffee Learning Process
 Khusnul Khotimah, Suratno, Iis Nur Asyiah, Slamet Hariyadi
Heutagogy in Action: Empowering Mathematics Teachers Through Innovative Pedagogical Approaches
 Mohamad Ikram Zakaria, Nik Abdul Hadi Noor Nasran, Abdul Halim Abdullah, Najua Syuhada Ahmad Alhassora, Mohd Fadzil Abdul Hanid
The Effect of YouTube on Speaking and Listening Skills of Students
 Balaswamy Chatta
Development and Validation of the Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom Climate Scale for the Portuguese Population
 Sónia Moreira, Helena Silva, José Lopes, Joana Moreira, Luís Moreira, Rita Barros
Communication and Organizational Learning in Teachers of Public Educational Institutions
 Lupe Lourdes Acevedo Lemus, Liliana Rodríguez Saavedra
Social Influences, Cognitive Competence, Problem-Solving Skills: A Case Study of Problem-Solving Skills in the Context of Digitalization Adoption
 Thuc Duc Tran, Ha Thanh Doan, Thong Van Pham, Thu Minh Thi Truong
Escape Rooms for Education: A Meta-analysis
 Chaewon Kim, Hunhui Na, Nuodi Zhang, Chufeng Bai
Self-perception of Teaching Difficulties in Prospective Teachers: Adaptation of the Teaching Problems Inventory
 Roberto Sanz Ponce, Pau García-Grau, Juan Antonio Giménez-Beut, Elena López-Luján
Neurodivergent Students in English Language Lessons: Reflections at the Teaching Practicum
 Diego F. Ubaque-Casallas
Shaping the Bilingualism of Game-Addicted Players
 Krzysztof Polok, Dominik Jeleśniański, Małgorzata Przybysz-Zaremba
Online Education in Hungary and Armenia during the Pandemic and Its Aftermath
 Erika Varga, Garegin Hambardzumyan, Tímea Juhász
Exploring the Characteristic of Good Catholic Teacher of the Sister of Saint Paul de Chartres in Thailand
 Suphen  Trivaudom, Ampapan  Tuntinakorngul, Pariyaporn  Tungkunanan
Synthesis of Research on Science Learning Management Affecting Problem Solving Skills: Meta-Analysis
 Thanatcha Sainapha, Thanin Ratanaolarn, Krissana  Kiddee
Gender-focused Training for Non-university Teachers in Spain, through Social Media
 Elias Said-Hung, Angela Martín-Gutiérrez, Jesús Conde-Jiménez
Conceptual Change and Developing Mental Motivation in Physics: Effects of Transformational Learning Theory
 Ehab Gouda Ahmed Tolba, Nasser Helmy Youssef
Investigating the Role of Virtual Reality to Support Community Engagement
 Iman Alshathri, Anita Komlodi, Ravi Kuber
Research Methodology Courses in Advanced Studies in Education: Trends from the Portuguese Case
 João Filipe Matos, André Freitas, Carolina Amado, Nikoletta Agonács, Elsa Estrela
Enhancing Social-Communication and Behavior Skills in Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities through Computerized Cognitive Training
 Evangelia Georgoula, Eleni Koustriava
Proposal of a Disruptive Didactic Innovation for the Development of Leadership Skills Through the Arts: Skills & Art
 Inmaculada Berlanga, Lucía Pérez-Pérez, Santa Palella, Pablo Cardona
User Engagement with Interactive Educational Videos: Relations with Task Value, Cognitive Load, and Learning Satisfaction
 Xiao-Feng Kenan Kok, Peng Cheng Wang, Karin Avnit, Monika Shukla
A Gamified Learning Environment (Moodle) to Enhance English Language Learning at University Level
 Nadia Azzouz Boudadi, Mar Gutiérrez-Colón, Mireia Usart Rodríguez
Synergistic Effect of Learning Environments, and Familial Factors on Generation Z Learners’ Academic Achievement in Science
 Reymund C. Derilo
Implementing Critical Pedagogy in EFL Classes: Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences
 Tammy Fajardo-Dack, Juanita Argudo-Serrano, Monica Abad-Celleri, Rosita Torres-Ortiz
Measuring the Effectiveness of Internship Programs in Aligning Education with Industry during Covid-19: A Case Study
 Fokiya Akhtar, Tarannum Parkar
Future Teachers' Perceptions towards Incorporating Board Games to Teach Mathematical Skills in History Classes
 Ana Morais, Hélder Sousa, Ana Paula Aires, José Cravino, J. Bernardino Lopes
Construction, evidence of validity and reliability of a Teacher Socioemotional Competencies Scale - ECSED
 Jesús Hugo Montes de Oca Serpa, Walter Capa-Luque, Sabina Deza-Villanueva, Liliana Rodríguez-Saavedra, Jhonatan Juan Tirado Malpartida
Analysing the Bioactive Compound of Earthworm Pheretima Javanica Extract by Using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrum
 Budayatin, Joko Waluyo, Dwi Wahyuni, Dafik
The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Creative Writing and Self-Efficacy in Portuguese and Mathematics
 Helena Silva, Sónia Marques, José Lopes, Eva Morais, Felicidade Morais
The Influence of Learning Styles and Attitudes on Academic Performance of College Students in a Flipped Learning Environment
 Marjon C. Malacapay
Teaching and Learning of English Academic Writing in a Public University in Malaysia: A Case Study
 Khairunnisa Azmar, Abu Bakar Razali
Effectiveness of Multimedia Package on Student-teachers’ Achievement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education Course
 Pinkal Chaudhari, Anjali Khirwadkar
Impact of Family Educational Styles on Students' Academic Achievement Motivation
 Rocío Paola Sánchez Guerra, Naddya Elizabeth Carrillo Mallima, Juan Carlos Sánchez Guerra, Marco Antonio Sánchez Guerra
Trends in Chemistry Education Research on Student Transformation in the Philippines: A Meta-analytic Review
 Shalom Grace S. Vega
Decision-Based Learning as an Approach for Teaching Statistics in a Peruvian University
 Gloria Mora, Richard E. West, Auria Julieta Flores