July 2024, Volume 17, Number 3

Contents .pdf
With the Professional Baccalaureate, the Ideal Route to University of Applied Sciences in Basel, Switzerland
 Asım Arı
Development of Mathematical Concepts through a Problem-based Approach in Grade 3 Primary School Pupils
 Daniel Doz, Mara Cotič, Nastja Cotič
Arts Professors’ Perception of the Didactic Use of Virtual Reality
 Álvaro Antón-Sancho, Pablo Fernández-Arias, Diego Vergara
Adoption of Virtual Reality Technology in Learning Elementary of Music Theory to Enhance the Learning Outcomes of Students with Disabilities
 Waleed Maqableh, Jamal Zraqou, Abdallah Alnuaimi, Ali Al-Shurman
Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of Using Community as Classroom for Learning Geography
 Karma Sonam Rigdel, Mani Raj Thapa
Unveiling the Veil: Gender Differences in Satisfaction among K12 Teachers in the Teacher Activity Groups Initiative
 Phuong Hoang Yen, Pham Trut Thuy, Nguyen Huong Tra, Huynh Thi Anh Thu, Nguyen Anh Thi, Le Thanh Thao
Post-Pandemic Mathematic Teachers' Perception on TPACK and Classroom Management Self Efficacy in Online Teaching
 Noha R. Alrwaished
Active Methodologies to Enhance Blended Learning: Exploring the Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers
 Beatriz Ortega-Ruipérez, José Miguel Correa-Gorospe
Motivation to learn Biology: Adaptation and validation of a Science Motivation Questionnaire with Slovene secondary school students
 Vida Lang, Andrej Šorgo
Beyond Traditional Methods: Utilizing a Hybrid SIRe Model for Optimal Counselling Skill Development in Practicum Courses
 Mohd Azrin Mohd Nasir, Suzila Ismail, Nor A’tikah Mat Ali, Farah Nadia Mohd Faudzi
Exploring Needs, Challenges, and Teaching Norms in English-Medium Instruction Programs: Perspectives from University Students and Teachers
 Nipapat Pomat, Arnon Jannok, Adcharawan Buripakdi, Jeffrey Dawala Wilang
Perception of Mexican Educational Actors Regarding the Implications of School Life on Educational Achievement
 Eduardo Pérez Archundia, Julio Juan Villalobos Colunga
+Exploring the Effectiveness of Kindergarten Students’ Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
 Hong Sheung Chui, Fung Chin, Po Yee Wan
Using Discovery Learning Approach in Teaching EFL Grammar to High School Students: Its Possible Effects and Limits
 Ľuboš Masaryk
Enhancing Business Email Writing Ability through the Integration of Genre-based Approach and Data-driven Learning
 Navinda Sujinpram, Anchalee Wannaruk
Rural and Urban Kindergarten Teachers’ Self-Efficacy: Implications for the Implementation of the Standard-Based Curriculum in Ghana
 Philip Boateng
Exploring the Efficiency of Associative Vocabulary Teaching Strategies to Foreign Language Learners
 Mohammad Abed Aljburi, Mohammad Saber Khaghaninejad
College Student, Veteran Writers’ Interest in Discussing COVID-19 Pandemic Stressors and Related Political Topics
 Tara Hembrough, Lindsey Mixon
Analysis of the Functionalities of Open-Source Social Media for Academic Use
 Mauricio Mejía-Lobo, Raquel Gil-Fernández, Diego Calderón-Garrido
Key Elements of Effective Mandatory Professional Development Programs
 Dennis Alonzo, Ria Asih, Cherry Zin Oo, Giovanni Pelobillo, Rex Lim
Physical Education Teacher in Middle Schools: Requirements and Academic Profile
 Zsolt Németh, Abdumalik Shopulatov, Komiljon Norboyev, Farruh Ahmedov, Sabina N. Valente
Enhancing Students' Performance in Biology through Blended Learning with Collaborative Tools and Interactive Online Activities
 Maria Cristina B. Bandarlipe
Evaluating the Reliability of a Social Presence Composite Construct for Online Computer Science Degree Programmes
 Joshua D. Reichard, Mishack T. Gumbo
Pre-Service Teachers’ Inclination Towards the Utilization of Cloud-Based Technologies
 Rajendran Ramya, Gopalasamy Rajeswari
Effect of Computer Animation Instructional Package on Students’ Achievement in Hybridization in Chemistry
 Nathaniel A. Omilani, Shamsudeen Adebayo Raji
Teachers’ Views on the Conduct of Class Observation: The Philippine DepEd Setting
 Michelle V. Torres, Adora P. Zerrudo, Velma S. Labad, Bonifacio G. Gabales, Jr.
Leisure Activities of Young People as a Predictor of Life Satisfaction
 Marina Đuranović
Are Teachers Adequately Prepared for Inclusive Classrooms in Cambodia? Knowledge and Experience for Inclusive Practices
 Sokunrith Pov, Norimune Kawai
Students’ Perceptions of Project-Based Learning in K-12 Education: A Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence
 Frederick Oduro, Allan Muganga, Deborah Parker, Guoyuan Sang
The Situation of English Pronunciation in Primary Education Classrooms in Spain
 Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio
Online Learning in Higher Education – Learners' Perceptions, Interaction, Flexibility and Challenges
 Haifaa Majadly, Nayif Awad, Marcel Amasha
Learning-Oriented Reading Assessment: A Design for EFL Students
 Rinthip Chongsomboon, Apasara Chinwonno
Fostering Autonomous Learning in Oral English Through Role Play: An Exploration in Course Setting
 Rui Li, Fazilah Razali, Lilliati Ismail, Mohd Mokhtar Muhamad, Xiaolan Ma
Note-taking and Its Impact on Learning, Academic Performance, and Memory
 Issa I. Salame, Maryam Tuba, Mir Nujhat
The Essential Technology Implementations for Developing a Hybrid Module for High School Physics in the Sultanate of Oman
 Fathiya Al-Kamzari, Norlidah Alias
Physics Educational Technology (PHET) Simulations in Teaching General Physics 1
 Rhandy DG. Almadrones, Frederick G. Tadifa
The Development of Reading Literacy Using Metacognitive Reading Strategies with Analysing Text Structure
 Thiraphon Artpasa, Dhanita Doungwilai
Attitudes, Motivation, and Beliefs of Online Foreign Language Learners Amidst the Pandemic
 Kasumi Arciaga, Rochelle Irene Lucas
The Bilingual Education Cycle: From learning to teaching Physical Education in a Foreign Language
 Miriam N. García-Núñez, María Bobadilla-Pérez, Raúl Fraguela-Vale
Exploring Key Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Cloud Computing in Higher Education: Case study at An-Najah University
 Nahil Abdallah, Odeh Abdallah, Jamal Zaid Kielani
Echoes of Creativity: Investigating the Impact of Music Type on Pre-writing Idea Generation
 Hui Chen, Qianru Li